The listings below are Artists Call near the DC Metropolitan Area and Online Calls. The listing are done with Artists call for BADC at the top and then Artists Calls for the Metropolitan Area listed by date of application deadline, and then by Open Calls with no Deadline. The “VIEW MORE INFO” will take you the Website that list the complete information about the Artists Call and to where you can submit your entry. The line lists the Name of the Call, the organization listing the call, the location of the call, what type of call it is, who is eligible to apply, the last date you can apply, and any fee required to apply. If there is no application Fee listed then there is no fee to apply.
All Open calls are listed Alphabetically by organization (ie “Nation Park Service”)
The date the item is posted on the WEB site is at the end of the line and the NEW! designation will remain for 30 days.

Black Artists of DC (BADC), in collaboration with STABLE is pleased to announce the initiation of the Harlee H. Little Jr. Artist Residency Program. During 2022 – 2023 we are offering the residency to locally based artists in the Greater Washington, DMV Area. All qualifying artists are encouraged to apply through this open call. Artist applications will be accepted now through midnight, December 1, 2022.
The residency provides the following between December 21, 2022 through August 31, 2023:
- Assignment to 107 square feet of studio space at STABLE, 336 Randolph Place, NE, Washington, DC
- 24/hour access to the studio and common facilities
- Participation in open studios, and culminating program to be determined alongside STABLE Executive Director
- Opportunities to interact with other resident artists at STABLE including facilitated networking activities, etc.
- A stipend of $1,000.00
Please fill your application out by Midnight, Tuesday, December 1, 2022 @: https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=10895
For Inquiries contact us at [email protected]